"Life is largely a matter of expectations."
- Horace
Remember how I started the last blog by talking about how Rome did not really live up to expectations? Well Finland exceeded expectations! I will admit that staying in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, with temperatures in the single digits, and only having light for 4 hours a day gave me pretty low expectations. Boy was I wrong! Our plan landed in a winter wonderland!
Our cabin was about 40 minutes from the airport.
All of a sudden we saw something running along the road, when we got closer we finally saw what they were...reindeer!!!!!! We were squealing like small children, we were so excited.
and the excitement just continued when we arrived at our cabin.
What is a cabin without a stuffed reindeer head?
There was a loft upstairs with all the beds.
Here is my peaceful corner under the eaves. You do not know how often I hit my head here.
The whole thing was just perfect!
I went with a group of eight international students; two Australians, two Germans, two other Americans, and a British/Canadian/American guy. All of us knew each other except for Peter, the British/Canadian/American guy. The first thing we basically told him was that this scenario was the perfect set-up for just about every horror movie ever made, a stranger with a bunch of people in a cabin in the middle of the woods. Needless to say he felt really really welcomed.
This photo was taken shortly after I almost severed my pinky off. I went down the sledding ramp. It was going great until I fell off the sled and had my pinky pinched underneath the edge. Thankfully the only damage is a large bruise on my fingertip.
The two cars that we rented were both stick shift, so unfortunately we only had 3 people who could drive. So Chris and I decided to learn. After 1/2 an hour I can now say that if I was ever forced to drive manual I could do it! Now I only have slight issues when I need to turn around, so as long as I don't need to go in reverse I am good to go.
The whole point of this trip was to try and see the Northern Lights. On the second night we finally had clear skies.
This photo perfectly captures our original screeching and overall excitement when we thought we saw the Northern Lights. I love Keven's "mind blown" reaction. We saw greenish wavy lines but nothing more than that.
On the second day at the cabin we woke up at about 6:00 AM and drove 4 hours to Ranua Animal Park.
It was funny how excited people were about seeing these animals, but later I realized that for the Australians and Californians it is probably too hot even in zoos to have these animals.
You know it's cold when the signs at the zoo have ice scrapers.
Adorable arctic fox
I don't really think this sign is necessary, do you?
Jess and Keven, the Australians, almost started crying they were so excited to see the polar bears. Again I was really confused why they were so excited to see a polar bear, but apparently there are not any polar bears in Australia so this was big deal for them. I will admit that even thought I have seen polar bears multiple times they are still absolutely adorable.
Keven had problems with ice, and instead of helping him up or asking if he was ok Jess took a photo.
After the zoo we went to Santa Claus Village, because apparently Santa lives in Rovaniemi Finland. Which is on the Arctic Circle, not in the North Pole. Weird, I know. Of course Santa has a Post Office so we again of course sent post cards.
Crossing the Arctic Circle!
We even met Santa Claus! I love this photo! We look so cute and we almost look like a family.
Peter and I got bored with photo taking and shopping so we had a snowball fight, which of course I won.
This doll was left in our cabin. It was super creepy. It also somehow managed to end up in Niklas' and Chris' beds some nights. Unfortunately neither one of them had a really good reaction when they found it.
On Saturday we went to a Husky Park! The park had 60 huskies, a couple of arctic foxes, and wolves! If you have ever seen a husky or arctic fox in a movie or TV show it probably came from this park.
This husky was the cutest I have ever seen it had one blue eye and one brown eye.
I had been pretty brave this entire time pretending that the cold didn't bother me, but on the 6 degree day even I admitted to frozen feet, thankfully there was a fire to heat my frozen toes.
Then we got to go for a ride!
Jess and I went the together on the sled.
The strange noises you can hear in the video are Jess and I almost dying of excitement and happiness.
We were told this reindeer gives kisses. You put a cookie between your lips and then the reindeer eats it.
Niklas' photo was the best of all. He looks so into kissing the reindeer.
This is a wolf that the owners of the park took in. Now the wolf is just part of the pack.
Our cabin also had a sauna which is apparently a very Finnish thing. We went into the sauna twice and both times I wondered why people did it. It is not fun, it is slightly painful, you just sweat A Lot, then you need to drink a gallon of water, and then after that you need to get up every 5 minutes during the night to use the bathroom. But there was one fun adventure to be had, apparently you are supposed to be in the sauna for 10-15 minutes and then you are supposed to take a cold shower or as we did jump in the snow.
Our cabin also had a sauna in it.
I loved the adventures we went on but the best part of the trip was just hanging out in the cabin and playing games with one another. One of the best games was celebrities, where you had the name of a celebrity on your head and you had to guess who you were.Pancakes for breakfast!
We also made s'mores in the fireplace. It was an interesting experience since only 3 of us had ever made them before. Also Europe does not have graham crackers so we had to use digestive biscuits, which are not as disgusting as they sound, but still not as good as graham crackers.
It was a night of firsts, Niklas and Keven also tried peanut butter and jelly for the first time.
As you can tell he wasn't exactly thrilled
Here is our reindeer stew. It is awesome that you can just go to the grocery store and buy reindeer meat.
And then of course a bunch of 20-24 year olds need to end their evenings with popcorn and Disney movies.
This whole trip was phenomenal and I don't really think anything will top it. The funny thing is that at the beginning my fear was sitting in the cabin with nowhere to go. In the end that became the best part of the trip. It is going to sound cliche but I guess this trip really showed me that it is not about running all over and sight-seeing but really about the people that you are with.
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