Saturday, March 9, 2013

Gardens, Wind, and Baby Animals...

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light and winter in the shade"
 - Charles Dickens 

 The past two weeks have not been super exciting that is why there was not a blog post last week.  However I have scraped together a few photos to share.  The past two weeks we have had BEAUTIFUL weather! The sun has been out, the wind has been gone, and it has been pretty warm.   But then I am again reminded that it is actually winter still.

Last Saturday I was supposed to go on an excursion with my Danish Cinema class, but the metro broke and I wasn't able to get to the meeting point on time.  So my friend Diana and I decided to check out the Botanical Gardens. This garden was first planted in 1870.  I guess March is not exactly the perfect time to visit a garden but we did find some signs of life.

The multiple glasshouses (aka greenhouses) were built in 1874.  They were funded of course by J.C. Jacobsen the founder of Carlsberg Brewery.  The largest glass house was modeled after the Crystal Palace that was built for the Great Exhibition in London in 1851.
 It felt so good to go into the greenhouses and actually see green things again.

 The main greenhouse was beautiful.  It had these beautiful spiral staircases that went up to a passageway at the top of the dome.
Hey look, I found where the Catholic Church gets all of their palm fronds for Palm Sunday.

 Diana followed her nose to the plants from Guatemala and Mexico.

Apparently you are welcome to sit on the grass in this exact spot.
 Excitement number two of my week: defrosting our freezer.
When you have 5 people sharing an already tiny freezer it's best if half of that tiny freezer isn't filled with ice.
 Morten and my amazing resourcefulness, using a shoehorn to direct the water into the tub.
 Ok slightly more exciting than a winterized garden and freezer cleaning, I went to the zoo! It was a lot of fun until the wind started blowing and the temperatures started dropping, but we got to see some really cool animals.

 The best part of the entire zoo was this tiny little guy, he's only 2 weeks old!

This kid was adorable also.  He was the son of one of the zookeepers who was cleaning the enclosure and refilling the food. This kids just entertained himself running around while his dad did his work.
 Who knew that baby elephants were fuzzy?
 Although the baby was the cutest, the adult elephants are just amazing.  They look so intelligent.

 And then there was this super awesome pigeon, I think pigeons in the city would be way less annoying if they looked like this.
 The Wisconsin girls kind of freaked out about a cow.

 Although this photo kind of just looks like a blob it is actually a baby hippo swimming underwater.  This baby was born in December.
 And last but not least we saw the giraffes.

 Oh there were also baby baboons!
I promise the next time I write a blog post it will be more interesting, because on Friday I leave for Vienna and Budapest!
 Random Denmark Facts:
- Won the world's best Metro award in 2010 (I beg to differ on this, not the best metro)
- 80% of Danes speak English fluently, 53% German, and 25% Swedish.

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