A Journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step
I began this journey about 10 months ago. At the time I thought, this will be fun and easy I just apply and I go to a foreign country for a year. Boy was I wrong. This entire planning process has been filled with crazy unexpected events and many many things that have been out of my control. From not being able to get my visas, to having the managers office closed so I can't get my keys, to not getting my financial aid. As many of you know I like to have a plan for everything. In fact I need to have a plan or I kind of freak out. This whole experience has pretty much been me flying by the seat of my pants and frankly I am terrified. Saying that I am also extremely excited. This will not only be my first time traveling to Scandinavia; it is also my first time living in an apartment, and my first time doing everything on my own. I have traveled previously but there has always been someone with me or someone on the other end waiting. This time it is all up to me. I know that if I can accomplish this I will definitely be a better person because of it. The countdown is now T minus 2 days and pretty much everything seems to have fallen into place. One of my roommates was able to get my keys for me, my financial aid came through, and I have heard from my mentor so hopefully they can meet me at the airport. So here's to the beginning of a grand adventure!